What is your cancellation policy?

If you need to cancel or reschedule, a 4-hour notice is required to avoid being charged half of the service fee. We understand there are going to be emergency situations. If that is communicated with the therapist, exceptions can be made. In addition, your therapist will also be able to provide you with a 4 hour notice if a change needs to be made, unless there is an emergency.

What are current therapy rates?

The current rate for a therapy session is $120.  Client’s are able to request a sliding scale payment.  When using the sliding scale, client’s are able to choose their own rate down to 50% of the cost of the service. 

Do you take insurance?

Rise Enlightened does not take insurance. This is based on our personal and professional values. Utilizing insurance means restricting client care based on broad strokes identified by insurance companies. Mental health is an individual journey and by not utilizing insurance, clients are empowered to take advantage of more holistic mental health options. We are able to provide superbills for insurance reimbursement upon request.

What informs Rise Enlightened’s current therapy rates?

When looking for specialized treatment, rates can be higher. Therapists attend school for a minimum of 6 years. In addition, they must work for two years unpaid to gain clinical experience before being licensed. Our therapists are specialty trained and then continue this training out of pocket to provide the best care to clients.

Do you provide a diagnosis?

If a client requests a diagnosis we are able to provide one. We acknowledge that there are times where having a diagnosis can be empowering and validating. In addition, diagnosis’ can often help individuals gain access to resources in the community. However, Rise Enlightened, does not usually diagnosis without request. This is because it is our philosophy that the symptoms that individuals present with are not largely pathological but instead are normal biological responses to the world, trauma or lived experience that is difficult to navigate.